Wallpaper Installation Guide

日本語 - 壁紙のダウンロード方法 & シールを綺麗に貼るための注意点

When you purchase a skin from DecalSkin, you may be eligible for a free matching wallpaper download to complete the skin's artwork. Follow the instruction below to locate your matching wallpaper and refer to your device user manual on how to install the wallpaper onto your phone.

    1. A wallpaper code is printed on the upper left corner of your new skin. A wallpaper code always starts with a letter and in upper cases. Enter the wallpaper code in the Search Box above. Press Enter or click on the magnifier icon. 
      Wallpaper Download Info Step 1

    1. Locate your skin or wallpaper code in the search result and click on the image to enter the Product page. 

      Wallpaper Download Info Step 2

    1. Click on the Download Matching Wallpaper box in the Product page.

      Wallpaper Download Info Step 3

  1. Select “Save File” and click ok. If you are saving wallpaper to your computer, transfer it to your device the same way you do with other photos by using a USB or data cable. Set the image as wallpaper on your device and click “fit to screen” (or similar function) to expend the image to fit your device screen

    Wallpaper Download Info Step 4

*Matching wallpaper are only available on selected/supported devices. For more information related to wallpaper installation, please refer to the device manual or contact the device manufacturer. Wallpapers are offered to you free and as is. DecalSkin.com does not provide additional service and support on wallpaper download. Please Contact US if the search result returns a no match.